For noise bylaws, beach problems, ATV's on beach, littering, turtle poaching call:
Local Municipal Policia (Sayulita cellphone): 322 104 8540
When you can't get anyone in the Sayulita Police Station, call:
Municipal Policia Headquarters (in Valle): 01 329 291 0049 or 291 0666
Call if no response above; goes to Vallarta, funnels out dispatch to officers
Nayarit State Emergency number: 066
If no response from local or muni or Valle, call Sayulita's elected Delegate:
Local Sayulita Delgato, Hector Piña (9-5): 322 282 1266
To complain about lack of police responsiveness or effectiveness in Sayulita, call:
Bahia de Bandaras Presidencia Municipal (9-5):329 291 1870
For emergencies ~ fire, accident requiring ambulance, drowning, etc., call:
Civil Bomberos ~ Fire & Ambulance: 01 800 830 2185
For Traffic issues, abandoned car removal, parking issues, call:
Transito (9am-8pm): 01 329 296 5225
American Consulate: (322) 222-0069 or 01-333-268-2145
US Consulate- Puerto Vallarta – Kelly Trainor (322) 222-0069
Liason for US Consulate (Sayulita) – Heather Murray 322-141-5994 cell
or emergency 24 hour line (Guadalajara Consulate) (333) 268-2145
Canadian Consulate: (322) 293-0098
Canadian Consulate- Puerto Vallarta – L. Benoit (322) 293-0098 or (322) 293-0099 24hrs. 1-800-706-2900
Dial 066 from any standard land line (all home and office phones, phone booths,etc) It is answered in Puerto Vallarta, but they dispatch out from Bucerias,Valle de Banderas, Jarretederas, etc, depending on the need for service, such as police service, fire service, medical service, etc.
Dial 080 from Mexican cell phones. (Dialing 080 will NOT work from U.S., Canadian, or European cell phones). Please dial 01-329-291-0049 from foreign cell phones. Program this number into your cell for any emergencies. This call goes directly to the office in Valle, 24 hours a day).
To report suspicious activity in Sayulita, please dial 045-322-141-5994.
Policia Valle (from Sayulita) 291 0049 or 291 0666
from MX cellphones 01 329 291 0049
from a foreign cellphone 011 (52) 329 291 0049
Municipal Policia Punta de Mita Mx cellphone to cellphone 322 104 8540